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Policies and Procedures

At the dawg house we have certain policies and procedures in place. These are to ensure that the business runs as smooth as possible and the dogs are kept healthy, safe and having the best time while in our care. Our policies and procedures are:

Vaccinations: All dogs must be up to date with their vaccinations. This includes the annual boosters, kennel cough and fleeing and worming. Please note kennel cough is not always given as a standard vaccine and may need to be asked for. It usually says KC for dogs on their record. After having the kennel cough vaccine dogs must also remain at home for 7/10 days. This is due to it being a live vaccine and can be contagious for the 1st week. 

At daycare we do also require copies of their vaccination cards and this needs updating every time they have their jabs. 


Dogs Attendance: We do ask that all dogs attend 2 x per month. This is to ensure your dog is settled and familiar with us when they attend. This is especially important for nervous and

anxious dogs. If you have not attended twice per month you will be sent an email to inform you that you have lost your place. This doesn't include dogs that are of for medical reasons or dogs in season.


Neutering: At daycare all male dogs over the age of 1 must be neutered. This is a rule that is set out by bolton council and is something we cannot change. Also please be aware

that in some cases if your dog is causing a lot of issues before the age of 1 with humping and guarding etc they may be asked to leave until they have been neutered. This is not something we take lightly and will only be as a last resort, but we have to put all the dogs safety and well being first as it can cause fights among the dogs . Please also note females cannot attend daycare while in season.


Late fees: Daycare closes at 6pm every weekday. Unfortunaltey if you are late you will be charged. It is £5 per 15 minutes. This is to help cover staff overtime. Please also bear in mind daycare only opens at 7am and dogs cannot be let in any earlier due to our insurance and staff need time to set up.


Attending other daycares: We do not allow dogs to attend different daycares. This is to ensure your dog in happy and familiar when attending the dawg house. It also helps prevent the spread of illnesses and infections. Please note this does not apply to dog walking.


Photographs: At the dawg house we pride ourselves in taking the best photos of all the dogs . and keeping you all up dated with what they are getting up to. However . sometimes dogs do not want to join in and have their picture taken. This could because they are busy playing or are feeling a bit tired. Even though we try our best we would never force a dog to be on the photos. Please remember we all have days we dont want to be in the middle of all the fun and the same goes for the dogs. With a lot of dogs to picture it can be difficult to get every single one.


Exclusion from daycare: In rare cases we may need to exclude your dog from daycare. This is not something we do without a lot of thought and consideration and conversations with yourselves. Reasons for exclusion can include|: Excessive barking - Unfortunately due to our neighbours we cannot allow dogs to bark persistently all day. Disruptive behaviour - Disruptive behaviour can include damage to daycare, excessive chewing or bullying and being to boisterous. Unsettled behaviour - if your dog has attended a few times but still unsettled Aggressive behaviour - We do not accept dogs that show any aggression towards dogs or staff


Illnesses: Just like children at school dogs can pick up common illnesses such colds and sickness bugs. We ask that if your dog is showing any signs of illness you keep them at home until they are better.


Thankyou for reading our policies and procedures. Any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch 

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